Hallelujah 3x
Praise and Lift up Shechinah
Hallelujah 3x
Praise and lift up Truth and Justice
Praise and lift up Love and Kindness
Praise and lift up deep compassion
Praise and life up lift up “other”
Hallelujah 3x
Praise and lift up, lift up Ya
(January, 2021)
This is a simple song of praise to acknowledge from the deep place inside how grateful I am that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were elected as President and Vice President. With this chant, I praise the values that I hold dear, namely truth and justice and love and kindness, which I pray will be espoused in this new administration. In the aftermath of the January 6th insurrection on the Capitol I realized more deeply than ever that the people who stormed the capitol feel disenfranchised and left out. Deep compassion is needed for the “other.”
Shechinah is a name for the divine feminine presence of God and the imminent, close presence of God. Jewish tradition teaches that Shechinah accompanies us when we are in exile. During the four years of the Trump administration I was in exile from my own country. I invoke this name for God to acknowledge with gratitude Her Presence. Ya is an ancient name for God and Hallel means to praise. May we use this practice when we want to praise and lift up God and God’s attributes and celebrate.
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