Shechinah Chants

Many years ago I co-chaired a Sisterhood Shabbat with my dear friend Caren Ellis Fried. We held the intention to bring a strong feminine presence to a traditional Conservative synagogue. It was during this time that the beginnings of some chants about Shechinah came to me which, no doubt, form the basis of the following chants.

In our Jewish traditional patriarchal religion, there has been little, if no, room for women. It teaches in the Talmud and throughout rabbinic texts that the Shechinah, the divine immanent presence of God (in contrast to the transcendent God that is not as easily accessed), accompanies the Israelites while in exile. For many generations, many women have felt a kind of exile from their own spiritual inheritance. The feminine presence of God invites us, as women, to enter with our own intuitive instincts by using song, dance, prayer, study, movement and meditation as pathways to the Divine Presence.

There is another aspect of the Shechinah as the Great Mother. Some of us didn’t (or don’t) receive what we need from the earthly realm mothers who gave birth to us. As the unconditional Great Mother of eternal love, and care, and holding and cherishing, Shechinah is available to us and can offer loving energy, which can be deeply healing.

Shechinah as Friend

Shechinah – You are my friend 2x
Shechinah, Shechinah, you are my friend

This chant is a simple one to being to establish a relationship with this powerful feminine presence of God.

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Shechinah: An invitation to Dwell Together


Shechinah 4x
Come dwell with me
Come dwell in me
Come dwell with me (2x)

To download the audio file, right-click (or Control-click) the following link and choose the option to save/download the file: Download Link »

Shechinah as the Great Mother of Unconditional Love


Shechinah 2x
Come dwell in our midst 4x
Shechinah 2x
Come dwell in our hearts 4x
Shechinah 2x
Embrace us and hold us enliven us
with Your unconditional love
with Your unconditional honoring
Your unconditional seeing
Your unconditional witnessing
Your unconditional celebration of all of who we are
Shechinah 2x
Come dance with us
come sing with us 2x
Shechinah 2x
Come dance in our hearts
Come live and love in our hearts 2x
Shechinah 2x
come be with us and hold us and care for us
with Your unconditional love
with Your unconditional honoring
Your unconditional seeing
Your unconditional witnessing
your unconditional, unconditional unconditional love.
Shechinah 2x
come honor us
each and and every one of us
come honor us
with our gifts and our beauty
our love and open heartedness
our freedom of spirit
our sense of love for one another.
Shechinah 2x
Come love us
and let us love You back and
come love us
let us love You back
Shechinah’s love is powerful 2x
it helps light our light
it helps the water to flow
it helps us breathe easily
and grounds to the earth.
Shechinah 2x
Earth, air, water, and fire 2x
Uriel, Michael, Rafael and Gabriel 2x
Shechinah al 2x
Shechinah 2x
come dwell in our hearts
come live and love in our hearts 2x

To download the audio file, right-click (or Control-click) the following link and choose the option to save/download the file: Download Link »