Hebrew chant is a form of prayer and meditation that includes the melodic and rhythmic repetition of a sacred phrase. For many this has become an important spiritual practice to open the doors of the heart, quiet the mind, awaken our inner wisdom and to viscerally embody the words of our tradition. When we allow a chant to lead us into the silence that follows, we have an opportunity to listen for the voice of the Divine within us.
The practice of Hebrew chant has created a pathway for many to understand the deeper significance of our inherited tradition, and to create a bridge of personal meaning & connection to the text.*
Chanting does not require knowledge of Hebrew nor confidence in one’s “singing” voice. Only a desire to engage and to open your heart.
Graduate of Kol Zimra
I am a grateful graduate of Rabbi Shefa Gold’s Kol Zimra chant leadership program.
To order The Magic of Hebrew Chant book by Rabbi Shefa Gold visit the bookstore on her website.
Click a chant’s name to view and listen to a chant. NEW indicates that the chant has been recently uploaded.
Align with Love: Deuteronomy 19:9 (August 2020)
Angel Chants:
- Angel Chant (inspired by the Shema L’Mittah)
- V’havienu L’ Shalom (Angelic Realm of Peace, Light and Love)
Ani L’Dodi V’Dodi (August, 2020)
As Below So Above (January, 2024) NEW
The Breath Is the Light (June, 2020)
Cohanim Blessing — Birkat Cohanim
Connected, Supported, Guided and Loved (April, 2021)
Connecting Earth to Heaven (February, 2020)
Don’t Worry ~ It Doesn’t Change Things!
Dream Your Dreams (November, 2020)
Elemental Connection (January, 2021)
Elul- and HHD-related Chants:
- Ani L’Dodi V’Dodi: Song of Songs 6:3
- Cast Up Your Burdens: Psalm 55:23
- Elul Modah Ani
- Elul Niggun
- God’s House: Psalm 27:4
- God’s Light: Psalm 27:1
- Listen to Your Soul
- Time To Return: Hosea 14:2
Faith: I believe (Ani Ma’amin)
Fuel the Fire; Never Let it Die (April, 2021)
Give It Up to God (2017)
God Is with Me; I’m Not Afraid (2014)
God of All Breath and of All Flesh: Numbers 27:15
God’s Blessing Lullaby of Unconditional Love (June, 2020)
Good Seeds Chants
“Forgive them they know not what they do.” ~Jesus Christ
“Make friends with the Mystery” ~Frances Vaughan
“The most important practice is to not harden your heart” ~Saint Benedict
“What God wants most is that you share your heart with him/her.” ~Reb Zalman, z”l
Hallelujah (January, 2021)
Healing into Wholeness (October, 2017)
Held in the Hand of God’s Grace: Isaiah 62:3 (December, 2019)
Here I Am Please Send Me: Isaiah 6:8 (June, 2020)
Holy Mountain; Holy Shechinah: Psalm 43:3
Holy Opening: Exodus 29:42 (February, 2021)
I Am with You in This Awesome Place
I Don’t Know and It’s OK I Don’t (May, 2019)
Let Me Be My Prayer to You (August, 2020)
Let My Soul Fly to God (September, 2017)
Let There Be Peace (January, 2024) NEW
Life Affirming (November, 2020)
Life Is a Blessing (July, 2019)
Love into the Brokenness (July, 2020)
Ma Tovu (November, 2020)
Make for Me a Place for My Spirit: Exodus 25:8 (February, 2020)
May You Follow the Beat of Your Heart
Modai Ani Chants (2014-2021)
Nachamu: Comfort (2020-2021)
Niggunim (2020)
No Pressure (March, 2019)
Om Makom Shalom (2012)
Omer Prayer of Grace and Blessing: Psalm 67:2
Our Light in God’s Light: Psalm 36:9
Pause, Stop and Rest (March, 2020)
Please Help Me To Connect with You
Power of Healing (October, 2017)
Protection: I Am Your Shield (October, 2020)
Protection Blessing: Psalm 121:8
Protection with Your Deep Love: Psalm 7:11 (January, 2024) NEW
Remember I’m with You (December, 2020)
See Your Presence, Please (February, 2019)
Seeing God’s Glory (March, 2020)
Shechinah: Feminine Presence/Great Mother Chants (2015-2019)
Shema Chants (2015-2020)
Stay in the Light (2018)
The Source of Light Will Shine Upon You: Isaiah 60:2
Surrender, Accept and Trust (January, 2024) NEW
Thank You for All of My Gifts (2019)
This I Know, God Is with Me: Psalm 56:10 (January, 2024) NEW
This Soul Is Pure (April, 2021)
Time To Rewrite My Story (January, 2024) NEW
Together Forever As One (May, 2020)
Transform the Struggle: Numbers 21:16
Universal Peace (September 2020)
The Weight of the World (February, 2019)
Yizkor Chants (April, 2024) NEW
You Belong to Me (March, 2020)