Soul Life: Call and Response
Elohai n’shama she’natata bi t’hora hi
Oh God of My Soul, the soul You’ve given me,
the soul You’ve given me, that soul is free. (from the Liturgy)
When things are not going well on the physical level of our lives, we can chant these words as a way of accessing the soul level. The intention of this chant is to remember even when we feel constricted, despondent, or sad, there is another level of life to access. In chanting these words, one might be able to live in the physical world but from the place of the freedom of the soul.
This chant came to me within the following circumstances… My mother was stricken with a strange syndrome called Ramsey Hunt. It is when you get shingles in your ear and your face becomes paralyzed presenting like Bell’s Palsy. If you have a sharp doctor who diagnoses it properly and gets you the medicine within 48 hours, you can heal. which thankfully her doctor did. (Though it left her deaf in one ear and with balance problems.) However in that first week of caring for her, it was deeply painful to see her beautiful face contorted. I needed to see her on the soul level and this chant came to me as a way to help me live life on the soul level and to care for her.
This chant is a call response for the first two lines, and then the 3rd line in both English and Hebrew are chanted together.
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