Protection with Your Deep Love

Psalm 7:11

Hebrew for "My shield is with God, who saves the upright in heart." Psalm 7:11

Magini al Elohim, moshiah yishray lev.

FIll my body with Your Deep Love, in every cell 2x
So I can do Your will; So I can be Your will.

Literal Translation
My shield is with God, who saves the upright in heart.


I have chanted Rabbi Shefa Gold’s chant of these words. They help me call in God as my shield to protect my sensitive heart. When I can establish firm boundaries with God helping to shield me, then I know I have the ultimate protection. I have embellished this practice by filling my body and energy with God’s love for insulation. In this way, nothing can penetrate and if it does, it is insulated with God’s love in every cell. I added the intention of doing God’s will in my heart’s desire to serve.


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