This I Know, God Is with Me

Psalm 56:10

Hebrew for "This I know that God is with me" Psalm 56:10
Zeh Yadati kee Elohim li 2x
This I know that God is with me 2x
This I know, This I know, this I know that God is with me.


Rabbi Yael Levy teaches that when she feels fear or doubt or is in a triggered place she uses Psalm 56:10 as a pathway back into connection with God. The Psalm has “This I know that God is with me.” She repeats to herself the words ”this I know” (in Hebrew Zeh Yadati) to remind herself that God is right there.

At the onset of experiencing fear or being triggered, she, like most of us, is taken out of her relationship with God and out of the protection, presence and salvation that is needed precisely in that moment. Repeating these words as a mantra is the spiritual practice that brings her back into connection. I hope this chant helps to build the “This I Know” so that it kicks in automatically precisely when you need , without even thinking… Zeh Yadati….


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