Together Forever As One
Together Forever ~Halleluya~ (Psalm 115:18)
And together we will bless the Source of our lives
from this moment, until forever. 2x
Until forever, we will bless the Source of our lives
from now, and forever.
And together we will bless the Source of our lives
from this moment, until forever.
Until forever we will bless this moment of our lives
together, forever.
V’anachu nivaraech Ya, mei’atah v’ad olam
Halelluya, halei-luya, halellu Havaya
Halleluya, the Source of our lives.
Halleluya, the breathe we breath.
Hallelu, together as One.
In this moment, together forever.
V’anachu nivaraech Ya, mei’atah v’ad olam
v’ad olam, anachnu nivareach Ya,
b’yachad, ad olam.
Together we bless the Source of our lives
from this moment, until forever
Until forever we bless the Source of our lives
In this moment , together forever
Together forever as One.
Together forever in this moment.
Together forever as One
In this moment, together forever.
Hallehu for the beauty of life
Hallehu for the breathe of all living
To bless and to remember.
Hallehu praise Ya;
Haley and her Children;
Hallehu praise Adonai;
Hallehu and God’s servants;
Halleluya Havaya…
Hallehlya haleiluya
Hallelu Havaya
Halleluya. haleiluya Hallelu Shechinah
and together forever as One.
Halleluya hallelya, hallelu, Praise Ya
Halleluya hallelya, hallelu, Praise Shechinah;
Halleluya hallelya, hallelu ,Havyaha;
Halleluya hallelya, hallelu, Praise Ya b’yachad.
and together forever as One
and together b’yachad.
and together forever as One
and together in this moment
and together we will bless the Source of our lives
from this moment until forever
until forever we will bless the source of our lives
From now, and forever
and together we bless the source of our lives
from this moment until forever
until forever we will bless this moment of our lives
together forever…
together forever as One
Halleluya Praise Ya
and together forever as One
hallelya Shechinah
Halleluya haleiluya, halleluya, halleluya.
(May, 2020)
During the Coronavirus pandemic there was a sense of Oneness and deep connection unlike anything I had ever experienced. There was no one who was not affected by the virus, and it touched all corners of the world. There was and I hope will continue to be an understanding that we all come from the One Source of Life. Perhaps one of the silver linings of this 2020 Pandemic is this consciousness.
I went into a ‘zone’ with this psalm and instead of formally recording it, I am offering the unvarnished version. May it embrace and envelop you.
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